Monday, October 6, 2008

For Journaling Purposes...

I got an email a few weeks ago from a friend of mine that had a bunch of questions that she answered about herself. She forwarded the questions on to me and some others with the instructions that we (her friends) were to answer the questions about ourselves and email them back to her and some of our friends. Well, I thought it'd be fun to include these questions in my blog, if not for your interest then for my journaling purposes :)...

Favorite soft drink? I rarely drink soda, but when I do I prefer root beer.

Favorite restaurant? The Blue Rooster in Old Town Lilburn--it's so cute!!

Real hair color? Nut-brown hair (what does that remind you of, L'Anita :)?)

What was your favorite toy as a child? BARBIES!!

Summer or winter? Neither--I only really enjoy the fall.

Hugs or kisses? Both, especially from Tommy and Adam :)

Chocolate or Vanilla? Uh, chocolate

Coffee or tea? Neither--I like hot chocolate.

What are you afraid of? Spiders, snakes, camel crickets, roaches, freaky movies, needles, not living up to my full potential, not being a good mom and wife

How many years at your current job? Homemaker- 3 years; Mom- almost 1 year

What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Batman: The Dark Knight

What is your favorite TV show? When I'm able to watch TV (we can only watch movies at our house), I love watching the shows on HGTV.

What food do you dislike? Mushrooms, olives, spicy food, grits, Chinese food, seafood (yeah, I'm a very picky eater...)

What is your favorite CD at moment? I just listen to whatever I put on my Ipod.

What kind of car do you drive? Honda Accord EX

Favorite sandwich? Publix sub with mayo, turkey, provolone cheese, lettuce, tomatoes, a little bit of onions, salt, pepper, and oregano on wheat. And my mouth just started watering...

What characteristic do you despise? Selfishness/Self-centeredness (not sure if that's a word, but you know what I mean)--so I despise myself sometimes :(...

Favorite item of clothing? I love jeans--I'd wear them everywhere if I could.

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation, where would you go? Tahiti and the Cook Islands

Favorite brand of clothing? I love Old Navy jeans and any brand that has shirts long enough to cover my super-long torso.

Where would you retire to? A lake house in Alaska or a farm house in New England

What was your most recent memorable birthday? My 21st (we were on our honeymoon--a cruise--and Tommy burst his eardrum while we were snorkeling in Cozumel, and I got seasick at dinner.)

Favorite sport to watch? Olympic gymnastics and diving

When is your birthday? August 31st

Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning, which is good because Adam is, too :).

What is your shoe size? 7 1/2

Pets? No

Any new and exciting news you'd like to share with us? Adam can say "light"! And when we ask him where the light is, he looks up and points to it.

What did you want to be when you were little? a teacher and a mom

What is your favorite candy? Chocolate

What is your favorite flower? Lilies

What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? October 18th--Adam's first birthday party!!

What is your full name? Tabitha Weiler Armstrong

Do you wish on stars? I haven't in a while...

Favorite day of the week? Friday

How many towns have you lived in? Seven (Hanover, PA; Lawrenceville, GA; Rexburg, ID; Madison, GA; Snellville, GA; Loganville, GA; and Lilburn, GA)

Do you make friends easily? Let's just say I've gotten better at it over the years :)...

Well, now that I've taken up your whole day, I'll end this post. I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better :).

I also wanted to post this hilarious clip of Adam jammin' out with the Choir yesterday during General Conference. You'd have thought he was at a rock concert...


L'Anita Heiss said...

Very cute! I laughed out loud during the music video! Can't wait to show it to Abigail...

Brooke said...

Tabitha! I found your blog through L'Anita's, and I got hers from the Rhineharts. What are you up to these days?