Monday, October 13, 2008

Glory, Glory to Old Georgia

I feel I need to make mention of "them Dawgs" since they're the highlight of Tommy's Saturdays right now. He'll cram all of his studying into a couple of hours so he can catch the tailgate shows before the games. I'm starting to get used to this crazy passion of his, but it's taken a while. One of the first things he said after we found out Adam's due date was, "Oh, good, so he'll be here before the Florida/Georgia game." Yes, heaven forbid I go into labor during a football game ;). We watched our first game as family this past Saturday, and it was pretty fun. We went over to Shawn and Ashley's (Tommy's brother and sister-in-law) to see it with some other family members. Adam enjoyed cruising around with his walker, trying to sneak up the stairs, and having staring contests with Layla, Ashley's "Toto" dog. I had fun talking to the girls around the refreshment table in the dining room, and Tommy got lots of exercise jumping up off the couch every few minutes. It was a fun get-together.

There's one tradition at Bulldog games (and in living rooms where games are being watched) when the Dawgs are kicking off. As the kicker runs to punt the ball, the crowd bellows, "Goooooo, Dawgs! Sick 'em! Woof, woof, woof!" The barking part sounds pretty cool coming from the stands. I decided one day recently to see what Adam thought of this "chant" (not sure what else to call it), and he just laughed his head off. I caught part of it on video. My back was against the wall, and he was trying to climb into my lap the whole time, so the clip is a little bumpy:


L'Anita Heiss said...

Well, I don't usually like reading about football, but that adorable clip at the end made it worth reading this post! That was really funny. Adam's such a cutie!

BWei said...

I just love Adam's big smile and laugh. So infectious.

Brooke said...

Well happy birthday to Adam! He is so cute!

Matthew and Tommy sound very similar because Matthew wanted Jacob to be born during the week so he would be home to watch football with Daddy on the weekend. Sure enough we came home on a Friday so Jacob and Daddy watched the BYU-UCLA game together... When it comes to what to do on a Saturday I'm outnumbered--I need a girl!

Krista said...

Haha, how cute! So I found your blog! It is so cute and that clip of Adam cracking up is priceless!

Brooke said...

Believe it or not the birthday countdown was actually Matthew's idea! I'm not quite so nutty about it anymore, although I do still believe my birthday is a very important day! Take care!