Thursday, October 30, 2008


This fall season has been full of wonderful memories for me. At this time last year, I was an exhausted yet ecstatic new mother, so excited to have my precious baby boy in my arms at last. Those first two weeks after he was born were the most difficult (and painful) of my life, but I'm serious when I say that it's been absolute bliss ever since. Adam has brought more joy to me than I can express, and there are times when, like Jane Bennet of Pride and Prejudice, I wonder, "How shall I bear such happiness?" I have been blessed far, far beyond what I deserve with such a sweet, happy baby and a hard-working, dedicated husband. This past year has been one of countless beautiful memories and life-changing experiences. Tommy and I have grown so much closer as husband and wife, and nothing but the sacred experience of bringing our child into the world could have gotten us to where we are now. I love, love, love being a mother. No other occupation or personal achievement has made me feel so fulfilled or satisfied. I feel that I have finally found my place in life and in Heavenly Father's plan. This truly is "my work and my glory". I only hope that the coming years will bring me as much happiness as this last one has...


L'Anita Heiss said...

Tabitha, this was such a sweet post! I can't believe it's been a year! It doesn't seem that long ago when we visited you and little Adam in the hospital. I love all the pictures. They are precious! And Adam's such a cutie on his birthday bike!

Thehseen said...

I occasionally read the blogs next to mine just to expand my horizons and thus chanced upon yours. What strikes me most is your joie de vivre. It brightens up my day. I read somewhere that gratefulness for what we have is the best prayer that we can offer to God. All the best.