Friday, October 31, 2008

A Very Happy Birthday Boy

We had a baseball birthday party for Adam on October 18th, and it was so much fun. I was very proud of my first attempt at cake-making :). Adam had some of his little friends there, and we had lots of family members come as well--it was a great turnout. We were able to reserve the pavilion at the stake center, complete with grills and a nice big field for some games. We grilled out hamburgers and hot dogs and had the football game on the radio in the background. One of the highlights of the party was when one of the little girls discovered an enormous anthill and started poking around in it. Someone from the crowd bolted up the hill and grabbed her before she got any bites. It wasn't until a second after this happened that I realized it was my dad who'd rescued her--I've never seen him move so fast in my life!!

Another highlight was when Adam opened his first present, a state-of-the-art Winnie the Pooh train from his Aunt Dawn (Tommy's sister). He was sitting in his stroller just laughing and smiling around at everyone, and then I started tearing off the wrapping paper for him. As soon as he saw what was inside, his smile vanished and was replaced by a look of shocked surprise. He stared at it for a second, and then he started squealing and kicking his legs with delight. It was hilarious!! He got excited over every single present he got, and he even cried after I took each one away to give him a new present to unwrap. He was a most grateful recipient of all the wonderful gifts he was given. Here are some pictures of the happy day:

I frosted the cakes the morning of the party. We decided to see what Adam thought of the frosting...

...and he loved it :).

The birthday cakes

Here's Adam digging in to his "smash cake"--he was surprisingly dainty about it.

"Want some, Mommy?"


Adam loved his first taste of cake :)! This was the messiest he got.

I was a ditz and didn't start taking any videos until he was almost done with his cake, but here's one that I did get...

The awesome choo-choo train

Even wrapping paper was incredibly fun!

And he loves tags--he's eaten quite a few...

Adam and Thatcher checking out the train

A fun clip of Adam enjoying his train

The night after the party, I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of that train going absolutely berserk. It was making every noise that it's capable of, and it was so dang loud!! Luckily Adam and Tommy slept through it, but it freaked me out. I crept into the living room, ready to knock out whoever was invading our house, and found the train just sitting there next to Adam's toy basket. Since then it's gone off like that three or four times, so I guess it just has a mind of it's own. And the worst thing about all this is the darn thing has no "Off" button!! But it keeps him very entertained while I'm doing laundry, etc., so I guess it's a keeper...

1 comment:

BWei said...

What a cutie! I wish we could have made it to the birthday party. His cakes looked amazing, and I loved the videos.