Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Buzz...

...well, almost. I decided earlier this evening to give Adam a trim after dinner. I've been putting this off for as long as I could because he is terrified of the electric clippers. He seriously screams bloody murder and squirms around in his booster seat during the whole ordeal, so it's a pretty tedious undertaking. I couldn't remember which clipper number I'd used last time, so I picked up the one that I thought it might be. I slipped it onto the clipper, took a deep breath (he'd already started screaming), ran the clippers over his beautiful blond hair...and almost screamed myself. I gazed in horror from the thick 4-inch locks dangling from the blades to the cropped line of stubble running down the middle of my screaming baby's head. I'd cut of about 2 1/2 inches more than I was going to, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. I kept going, swearing I would never do this again, until I had cut all his gorgeous hair off. It's almost a freakin' buzz!! I'm still in shock. I won't even start on how I butchered the hair around his ears. I'm just glad he's too young to care right now so he won't hate me for the rest of his life...


This was during his bath last night. He actually put those letters up himself!


When I was finished, I told him it was tubby time, and he cheered right up.

Look at the hair around his ears!! Has any kid had a more stupid-looking haircut??

Thus ends my sad, short, and stressful career as a barber. I have put down my clippers for the last time. Or at least until Tommy reminds me of how poor we are and how expensive professional haircuts have become...


Krista said...

Oh. Tabitha. You KILL me! What a funny funny post! I don't think it looks bad at all. And the ears are SO tricky, that is exactly what Thatcher's have looked like every time I cut his hair, I just keep him in hiding until it grows out enough that it's not so bad (it only takes a few days, don't worry). But really, I don't think it's bad at all! It makes him look SO grown up, but sorry babe- you don't win the "stupidest looking haircut award" this time. Try again ;)

Ashley said...

I love his hair... he still looks as handsome as ever....

Brooke said...

Oh don't worry, he's as cute as can be! His hair will grow back before you know it.

Matthew makes me cut his hair--yeah, my adult husband--and I tell him he's not allowed to tell the people at work and church who his barber is!

BWei said...

You crack me up--I do not envy trying to cut a boy's hair, and it looks fine! I'm sure it's a shock for you, though. Clara's hair is naturally wavy so you can't tell all the mistakes I make when I cut hers, but believe me, they are definitely there. Hey, I figure by the time our kids are eight or ten, we'll be pros :-).