Thursday, January 15, 2009

Good Times

Adam has been an extremely busy kid lately. Tommy and I have been having a great time watching him learn and discover new things, and his personality is really starting to show. He continues to be as delightful as ever, but he definitely lets us know what he likes and doesn't like. For instance, Tommy gave him a spoonful of Moosetracks ice cream a few days ago. Adam got so excited that he almost knocked his booster seat over. He ended up eating half of Tommy's bowl (I didn't know this until it had already been done). Then a couple of days after that, I was feeding Adam some kielbasa and green beans. He has never liked green beans, but I always try to give him some in hopes that someday he'll learn to like them. Well, this particular night, he wasn't in the mood for them. I gave him a couple, and he promptly grabbed them from the tip of his tongue and flung them on the floor. After alternating between meat, applesauce, and green beans, I found that it was a hopeless case--the green beans were going straight to the floor. Then I got the brilliant idea to first get a green bean on his fork and then put some kielbasa on after so that the green bean was hidden. This worked once. After that, he'd bite down right behind the meat and keep the fork clamped there so it wouldn't budge. Craziness. Luckily he'll eat peas.

Here are some things he absolutely loves:

He's crazy about swings. We love going to the park, and he's been having a lot more fun now that he can run around by himself. He can even go down the slide by himself!

He could spend hours in the bathtub...

He got this lawn mower from his cousin Tyler and pushes it into everything.

I found him like this one morning. He'd pulled down all of his books from the bookshelf and was just sitting there flipping through them. We're glad he's looking at them now instead of biting them.

This hat is definitely his favorite thing. He takes it literally everywhere we go (except church), and he prefers to wear it backwards. He has a toddler-size hat but doesn't like it nearly as much as he likes this one.

He also learned to reverse in his car :).

1 comment:

L'Anita Heiss said...

Man, I'm still not that good at reversing! Cute pictures!