Tuesday, November 3, 2009


So it's been a while. Where do I begin?? I guess I'll start off with making some excuses :). We had a huge flood at the end of September that washed away our street, and we lost water, power, gas, phone, and internet, but not all at once. We got our water back after a couple of days, but we didn't have gas for over two weeks. Our power went off for a few hours every day for a week, but it finally started staying on. Our phone and internet were off for over a week. The street is finally done enough for us to drive over! Life is slowly getting back to normal.

On September 30th, we found out that we're expecting baby #2! We're so excited to have another little one coming in early June. My morning sickness has been really bad, though. It hit its peak (so far) last week when I couldn't keep anything down for over 36 hours. My doctor put me on two kinds of medication, and they're helping a great deal. I'm just not sure what to do about being so tired all the time...

We also found a house and will be closing on November 19th! We found it at the end of September after looking for about three months. It's a 4 bed/2.5 bath split level that was built in 1971. We're buying it from the original owner (she and her husband had it built), and she has taken great care of it. She's a sweet 91-year-old lady who has become a good friend. She's leaving all the appliances (including a fairly new washer and dryer) and about half of her furniture! She wrote out a list of things she was leaving behind and asked her realtor to see if Tommy and I wanted any of it. Whatever we didn't want she would take to Goodwill. The realtor took me around and showed me everthing on the list (which included three beds, a couch, and two armchairs!). I was feeling really sick by the end, so when she told me to go around with the list by myself and check off what I wanted, I said, "Can we just take all of it?" She said okay, and when Mrs. Overman (the lady selling the house) came home, the realtor told her we'd just take everything. To my surprise, Mrs. Overman threw her arms around me and said, "Oh, thank you so much!" She gave me a big kiss on the cheek and kept thanking me for taking that stuff off her hands. I kept trying to thank her, but I don't think she heard me. The backyard is HUGE, and I fell in love with it the first time we walked through. It's just under an acre and has lots of trees and even a spot for a garden. We love the neighborhood, too, and are excited that it has a swim/tennis program. We'll be sure to post pictures of the house when it's finally ours :).

Adam turned two on October 14th! I threw a birthday party for him and his little buddies at the beginning of the month, and it was a lot of fun. We had it at the park, and the kids had the playground all to themselves. Adam was way more interested in playing than in opening presents :).

We went to our ward's Trunk or Treat party on Halloween, and we dressed Adam up as a C.P.A. Please don't laugh at this poor kid's mom. That was the best I could come up with at the last minute (after he refused to wear the puppy costume I got him a few months ago). Tommy was even more vocal about the "stupid puppy outfit" than Adam was. Both boys have since learned not to mess with a sick, emotional pregnant woman who's trying to keep things simple. I put Adam in his Sunday clothes, put some gel in his hair, and made him a "Adam T. Armstrong, C.P.A." badge. Here he is (stuffing a Twix bar in his mouth):

All in all, we're doing very well. I'm hoping this medicine will keep doing the trick so I'll be able to keep up with this blog :)...


BWei said...

I am so glad the medicine is working...I had no idea that you guys were so affected by the flooding--wow. Loved the pic of Adam...can't wait to see you guys over Thanksgiving.

L'Anita Heiss said...

Wonderful update! Sorry you didn't have any birthday party pictures to post...I need to send you those! We're so excited about your house! Hope everything works out.